I have found many Dr. Wayne Dyer quotes helpful and inspirational to me over over the years. In fact, I credit the work of Wayne Dyer with helping me develop many of the habits and mindset changes that helped me overcome major depression and anxiety. In this article, I will share some of my favorites from his book, The Power of Intention, along with some commentary on how I have applied them to my life. All quotes below are taken from The Essential Wayne Dyer Collection (Amazon Affiliate Link). Page numbers are referenced after each quote, which is bolded and italicized. This is really just a small sampling of the wisdom of Wayne Dyer.
Introduction to Dr. Wayne Dyer on Intention
Wayne Dyer talks about intention in two different ways. First, we have our intentions about the kind of person we want to be or the results that we want to manifest in our lives. He also talks about attributes of the Spirit of intention. In this case, I find you can just substitute “intention” for “God” or “universal intelligence” or “the universe” or “Spirit” depending on your preference. The attributes he gives intention are ones typically associated with God. So, in summary, the two types of intention are our personal human intention and divine or universal intention.
Ego vs Soul or Spirit or Intention
Dr. Dyer is not the first one to suggest that we as human beings have an internal struggle between the ego and the Soul or Spirit or Intention. Here are some thoughts and quotes from Wayne Dyer on ego and Intention.
Ego and its Beliefs and Attributes
Ego is the part of us that, as a result of our existence in these physical bodies of ours, views ourselves as separate from God and others. Whereas, the soul part of us is our true eternal nature, connected with God and others in love. As Dyer says, “Ego is made of six primary ingredients that account for how we experience ourselves as disconnected. By allowing ego to determine your life path, you deactivate the power of intention.” (Page 14) These six ego beliefs are (also from page 14):
- I am what I have. My possessions define me.
- I am what I do. My achievements define me.
- I am what others think of me. My reputation defines me.
- I am separate from everyone. My body defines me as alone.
- I am separate from all that is missing in my life. My life space is disconnected from my desires.
- I am separate from God. My life depends on God’s assessment of my worthiness.
Through discipline, wisdom, love and surrender, we move away from these dis-empowering ego beliefs to the beliefs or faces of Intention.
Intention or Spirit and Its beliefs and attributes
Dyer discusses the seven faces of intention in detail (Pages 28 – 35). They are:
Creativity. “The face of creativity intends you toward continued creativity to create and co-create anything that you direct your power of intention toward. Creative energy is a part of you; it originates in the life-giving Spirit that intends you.” (Page 29)
Kindness. “Choosing to be kind is a choice to have the power of intention active in your life…Imagine this! Kindness extended, received, or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved!” (Page 29)
Love. “As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it: ‘Love is our highest word and the synonym for God.’…If you aren’t doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn’t the face of love.” (Page 30) He also quotes St. Francis: “‘Where there is hatred, let me sow love.’ What he is saying is the power to dissolve and ultimately convert hate into the energy of love.” (Page 31)
Beauty. “Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul. As you become receptive to seeing and feeling beauty around you, you’re becoming attuned to the creative power of intention within everything in the natural world, including yourself.” (Page 31)
Expansion. “The power of intention is the power to expand and increase all aspects of your life. No exceptions! It’s the nature of intention to be in a state of increased expression, so it’s true for you, too.” (Page 33)
Unlimited Abundance. “You don’t have to have an intellectual understanding. It’s enough to silently know and proceed to live with your awareness of this face of endless abundance.” (Page 35)
Receptivity. “You must not only become receptive to having guidance available to you to manifest your human intentions, but you must be receptive to giving this energy back to the world.” (Page 35)
How Do We Move More Toward Intention
To start to move toward intention, Wayne Dyer suggests (Pages 36 and 37):
Visualize the Power of Intention. “Even though you know it’s invisible, close your eyes and see what images you receive. Recite the seven words that represent the seven faces of intention: creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, abundant, and receptive. Memorize these seven words…” (Page 36)
Be Reflective. “Consider being like a mirror, and reflect what comes into your life without judgment or opinions…Discontinue judging yourself for being too fat, too tall, too ugly –too anything!” (Pages 36-37)
Expect Beauty. “This suggestion includes expecting kindness and love along with beauty to be in your life by deeply loving yourself, your surroundings, and by showing reverence for all of life.” (Page 37)
Meditate on Appreciation. “Feel the surge of life force that allows you to think, sleep, move about, digest, and even meditate. The power of intention responds to your appreciation of it.” (Page 37)
Banish Doubt. “When doubt is banished, abundance flourishes and anything is possible…Even when nothing seems to indicate that you’re accomplishing what you desire in your life, refuse to entertain doubt.” (page 37)
More Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirational Quotes from The Power of Intention
Here are some of Dr. Dyer’s quotes that really spoke to me as I read through the Power of Intention:
“The way to establish a relationship with Spirit and access the power of this creating principle is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce.” (Page 40)
“It’s everywhere. It wants to express life. It’s pure love in action. It’s confident. And guess what? You are it, but you’ve forgotten. You need to simply trust your ability to cheerfully rely upon spirit to express itself through and for you.” (Page 42)
“My intention is to recognize the Spirit as my Source and to detach from my ego.” (Page 47)
“you’re eternal, an infinite soul in a temporary expression of flesh…only your physical body dies,…you were whole and perfect as you were created.” (Page 118)
This is one of my absolute favorite affirmations that I repeat all the time: “I’m no longer identified by this body/mind… I’m infinite. I’m one with all of humanity. I’m one with my source and this is how I choose to view myself from this day forward… I will exist for all eternity. Just as love is eternal, so this is my true nature. I’ll never be afraid again, because I am forever.” (Page 131)
This one is really encouraging to me. What I get from it is if you really get to know yourself at the deepest level, you will find your purpose, and your purpose will find you. “Deep within you, at the level of your being, is what you were intended to become, to accomplish and to be. In that inner placeless place, you’re connected to the power of intention. It will find you. Make a conscious effort to contact it and listen. Practice being what you are at the source of your soul. Go to your soul level, where intention and purpose fit together so perfectly that you achieve the epiphany of simply knowing this is it.” (Page 155)
This article has really been just a sampling of the wisdom and inspirational quotes of Dr. Wayne Dyer related to the power of intention. I plan on publishing more articles on the wisdom of Wayne Dyer. So check out all of my posts tagged or categorized with “Dr. Wayne Dyer”.
What is your favorite Wayne Dyer quote? I would love to hear your thoughts on this article in the comments below!
For further study, I recommend the following books by Dr. Wayne Dyer (Amazon affiliate links)
The Essential Wayne Dyer Collection
Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao
I hope you enjoyed this article and that it was helpful to you.
I found your article both well done and inspirational. I have to admit that I have never heard of Dr.Dyer and I am not a very spiritual person; but perhaps with an open mind, and with, more study of his works, I might achieve that goal.
Thank you for a well written, well organized post, and I look forward to commenting further about Dr.Dyer.
I definitely do not have ego beliefs, so I think that is a good thing. I have raised my kids the same. We should have the material things we have to make our personal lives more enriched, not necessarily to please anyone else. We need to make ourselves happy, because that is what rubs off on others as well. What I think of myself matters most, and if I think of myself highly, then no worries, I’m good.
That’s wonderful that you don’t have any ego beliefs! I am still working through mine some. I think you are exactly right, our own happiness benefits everyone around us! Thanks for commenting.
Some time ago I read a book by Dr Dyer when I was newly divorced and a low time in my life. I lot of what he spoke about ego and intention. Always enjoying the positive over the negative I needed some reaffirmation, and learned it was ok to be who I was and not what others thought or wanted me to conform to be. Individual expression is ok, and will lead to a more positive outlook overall. I highly suggest others read his books to get a better understanding of self.
Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective on Wayne Dyer’s material!
Hi, Mark, I have been in contact with my personal spiritual endowments. and they coincide with the writer Wayne Dyer’s words of wisdom, But sometimes we need to be reminded and yes I agree with him that love is the highest of them all.
There is much need for these people in the world today. So thank you very much for being them forward and sharing them with us.
Thank you for your comment, Linda! I appreciate it!
Truly inspiring quotes from Dr. Dyer. And that is how life is and meant to live. Live with intention, oneness with the soul and miracles will happen. The seven words of Intention is all that is needed to live a life of bliss. We have to know where we are and where we want to go, which is nothing but intention to lead ourselves into a something that we were meant to become. We live in fear of something or the other, not really confident about ourselves and this we lose our capacity to think clearly. You have published words of wisdom, easy to comprehend but difficult to implement. But we as humans have great powers within our minds to work miracles and we need to work on our thoughts and feelings to get things right. Will look forward to more of your articles.
Thank you for your thoughts on Dr. Dyer and intention. You are right about our ability to work miracles with our minds! You have obviously applied a lot of Wayne Dyer’s work to your life!
This is my first time reading a product of Dr Dyer. I wouldn’t consider myself as someone who would want to govern my life with any of these ego beliefs. I’ve realized from my life experience that no matter how possessions bring one happiness, it can equal with the kind of joy God gives to his Sons and Daughters. So, I would rather live to please God than to be a reflection of what others want me to be.
Thank you for you comment!
I have read this book so many times and each time it is as if I am just learning new things. In the first few readings I found it very instructive in the later chapters, I guess because the advice was practical, like the need to limit TV time and how we are constantly picking up negative states without being aware of it. My favorite topic in the later part of the book is the art of allowing. After attending a group discussion on the book and reading again, I found that the most impactful part of the book is the first part. The light bulb came on when I understood the connection with God’s intention, the nature of God’s intention and how we can align ourselves to it as we manifest who we are and ease ourselves into the life we desire. I am more a believer because I have a habit of ‘intending’ most things in my daily life, and seeing results. The key is to intend in alignment with God’s intention (quickly reviewing the 7 faces) . This book changed my life !
Thank you so much for sharing your insightful thoughts on The Power of Intention! The book has certainly changed my life as well. I am grateful for Wayne Dyer’s work.